Memento Vivere & The Archivist's Library
Though Memento Vivere has a number of ways of interacting with its characters, our Discord server provides the fan favorite, and most readily available form of character interaction: Connections! Connections are hosted by the Olympian Archivist, and can occur one of two ways.
The first, more common, type of MV Connection sees players appearing in the dreams of the characters. Characters you interact with will experience different levels of awareness of the audience; while some allow you to act merely as a voice within the character's subconscious, others let you become a full on voice within their head.
A second, less common, type of connection, are the ones that manifest as QNAs with the characters. Slightly edited archives of which can be accessed from the Daphne's Flowerbed website.
You can access a complete wiki of all connections from a channel on the Discord server.